Pre-Kindergarten Programming

The Shelton Pre-K program is a 5 day per week, half-day special education program, designed to provide special education services to students ages 3 and 4 who live in Shelton and are identified as having a disability.  

Our preschool is a language-based program, and we follow the CT Early Learning Development Standards in our instruction. Click here for more information about these standards: CT Early Learning Development Standards 



Pre-K Registration Packet

Pre-K Physical Form 

*Please do not come for Pre-K registration without an appointment. To make an appointment, contact 203-924-1023, extension 317 or


Our day may consist of the following activities:

  • Free Play
  • Circle Time (Literacy)

  • Centers

  • Snack Time

  • Story Time

  • Table Time / Fine Motor Activities

  • Gross Motor Activities

  • Playground (depending on weather)

  • Circle Time (Math)

  • Music

Contact Information:

Mohegan Elementary School                                     Long Hill Elementary School

47 Mohegan Road                                                            565 Long Hill Avenue

Shelton, CT 06484                                                            Shelton, CT 06484

(203) 929-4121                                                                   (203)929-4077

Pre-Kindergarten Staff


Kristen Santilli - Director of  Curriculum, Instruction, and Data 

Theresa Raposo - Supervisor of Support Services Pre K - 4

Tracy Hussey - Director of Special Education and Pupil Personnel Services

Rebecca Verdicchio - Pre-K Coordinator

Andrea D'Aiuto - Long Hill School Principal

John Coppola - Mohegan School Principal

Helpful Resources

CT Office of Early Childhood: Click Here

CT Early Learning and Development Standards: Click Here