Pre-Kindergarten Programming
The Shelton Pre-K program is a 5 day per week, half-day special education program, designed to provide special education services to students ages 3 and 4 who live in Shelton and are identified as having a disability.
Our preschool is a language-based program, and we follow the CT Early Learning Development Standards in our instruction. Click here for more information about these standards: CT Early Learning Development Standards
*Please do not come for Pre-K registration without an appointment. To make an appointment, contact 203-924-1023, extension 317 or
Our day may consist of the following activities:
- Free Play
Circle Time (Literacy)
Snack Time
Story Time
Table Time / Fine Motor Activities
Gross Motor Activities
Playground (depending on weather)
Circle Time (Math)
Contact Information:
Mohegan Elementary School Long Hill Elementary School
47 Mohegan Road 565 Long Hill Avenue
Shelton, CT 06484 Shelton, CT 06484
(203) 929-4121 (203)929-4077
Typical Peers 2025-2026 School Year
Shelton Public Schools provides a preschool program for students aged 3-4 who qualify for special education services. We open up limited spots in each of the 3s and 4s classrooms for typical peers to participate, at no cost, except parents must provide transportation.
We will accept applications throughout the school year. We use the CT Early Learning Development Standards to identify those candidates who might serve as strong language, behavioral, and social skill models for disabled peers in the class.
To be considered for the program, your child must turn 3 or 4 by the first day of the new school year. All children will be screened throughout the school year at Mohegan School or Long Hill School at a mutually agreed time. Children will come into the building for a short screening.
Please contact the Office of Teaching and Learning at 203-924-1023, ext. 317 or to apply.
Please do not come to the Central Offices without an appointment.
Pre-Kindergarten Staff
Kristen Santilli - Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Data
Theresa Raposo - Supervisor of Support Services Pre K - 4
Tracy Hussey - Director of Special Education and Pupil Personnel Services
Rebecca Verdicchio - Pre-K Coordinator
Andrea D'Aiuto - Long Hill School Principal
John Coppola - Mohegan School Principal
Helpful Resources
CT Office of Early Childhood: Click Here
CT Early Learning and Development Standards: Click Here