382 Long Hill Avenue Shelton, CT 06484 (203) 924-1023 |
The Shelton Board of Education is located at 382 Long Hill Avenue, Shelton, CT 06484. Visitors are requested to park in non-numbered spaces. Please do not come to the Central Offices without an appointment.
FROM BRIDGEPORT: Merritt Parkway to Rt. 8 North (Exit 52-Waterbury/Shelton). Follow signs to Shelton Rt. 8 North. Stay on Rt. 8 North to Exit 13, Constitution Boulevard, Shelton. At end of ramp, turn right and go to second traffic light - turn right onto Long Hill Avenue. The Board of Education Offices are on the left at #382.
FROM HARTFORD/WATERBURY: Route 84 West to Route 8 South. Continue on Route 8 South to Shelton, Exit #13. At end of ramp, take right onto Bridgeport Avenue. At the first traffic light, turn right and cross over Route 8. Continue to second traffic light and take right onto Long Hill Avenue. The Boar of Education Offices are on the left at #382.
FROM NEW HAVEN: Via Route 34 into Derby. Follow signs to get onto Route 8 South. Follow directions above.
Via Merritt/Wilbur Cross Pkwy. Follow to Exit 58 (Derby). Take a right onto Rt. 34, which will bring you straight through Derby. At the end of Main Street in Derby, take a left over bridge. You are now in Shelton. Take a left onto Howe Avenue. At next intersection, take right onto Center Street/Bridgeport Avenue. Follow to Constitution Boulevard (left hand turn which crosses over Route 8). Follow directions above.