Nurse Clinic Protocols

Under the direction of Dr. Domenic Casablanca (Medical Director), the School Nurse may give the following medication without parent/guardian contact according to manufacturer’s guidelines: 

**For additional information regarding administration of the following products, please contact your School Nurse.  In many cases these medications maybe used in an emergency situation.

Diphenhydramine (“Benadryl”) 

May be used for allergic/anaphylactic reactions

*While Benadryl may be used for moderate local reactions without immediate parent

notification, the parent/guardian will be notified following administration either by a

note or phone call. 

Epinephrine (Epi-Pen)

May be used in an emergency for severe allergic reaction which may occur from

insect bite, drug allergy or food allergy 

Narcan (Intranasal administration)

May be used in an emergency for the reversal of opioid overdose induced by

natural or synthetic opioids exhibited by respiratory depression or unresponsiveness. 


To opt out of the administration of over-the-counter medications, please complete the following form and return it to the school nurse:  OTC Medication Opt Out Letter 2024-2025