*Parent Portal Login Link* Opens in a new browser tab

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 Shelton Library System

Parent Bill of Rights for English Learners/Multilingual Learners

The Shelton Public Schools Technology Center has been hard at work putting the finishing touches on bringing this tool to our identified legal guardians for the entire district. Please take a few moments and watch the following video to get an idea of what can be done with the portal. Please keep in mind that it will take us time to get many of these functions turned on district-wide and that some of them may not apply to your student's school or Shelton as a district.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


When can I sign up?


Once the school year has begun you may schedule a time to visit one of your students' schools and request access to the parent portal. You will be required to bring with you a photo ID and you will be asked to sign an Electronic Usage Agreement. This option will not be available until after September 26th, 2011.


What will I need to bring with me?


We will be asking that you sign the same Electronic Usage Agreement Opens in a new browser tab  that we ask your student to sign. You can find a copy of this document here Opens in a new browser tab . Please bring this form with you. The document references our Electronic Usage Agreement Board Policy located here.


Please bring a photo ID. We will accept a driver's license, state ID card or passport. We consider the safety of your student's data to be critical and we require a photo ID be presented before any access is granted.


Will I need a sign in for each of my students?


No, a single sign in will grant access to all of the students within the district that you have been identified as the guardian of.


Will I be given a username and password?


Once you have signed the acceptable use agreement and we have verified your photo ID we will give you a one-time use pass-code that you can use to set up your own password. 


If you are a staff member you will simply need to use your current username and password and access the portal using the login option located at  Opens in a new browser tab Opens in a new browser tab Opens in a new browser tab Opens in a new browser tab Opens in a new browser tab Opens in a new browser tab Opens in a new browser tab Opens in a new browser tab Opens in a new browser tab Opens in a new browser tab Opens in a new browser tab Opens in a new browser tab Opens in a new browser tab Opens in a new browser tab Opens in a new browser tab  and following the Login for Parents link.


Will anyone be available to help me out?


The Technology Center does not have the staff the provide assistance in all of the buildings. However in an effort to provide the help some parents and guardians may want we will be planning and announcing times throughout the year when we will be able to make ourselves available at identified location in the district. Keep your eyes open for these announcements. We will be sure to post them at this page.


It is worth noting that most users require no help and for many of you your students have been using the portal and will gladly help you out.


How can I learn about using the portal now?


All of the information contained in this packet is available at  Opens in a new browser tab Opens in a new browser tab Opens in a new browser tab Opens in a new browser tab Opens in a new browser tab Opens in a new browser tab Opens in a new browser tab Opens in a new browser tab Opens in a new browser tab Opens in a new browser tab Opens in a new browser tab Opens in a new browser tab Opens in a new browser tab Opens in a new browser tab Opens in a new browser tab . Look on the left side for the Login for Parents tab and click to access a video as well as other information.


Not all of the options shown in the video will be available to all students. As we ease into the use of the portal more aspects of the application will become available.


How often should information in the portal change and will all of my student's upcoming assignments show in the calendar view?


Not every assignment will show. Teachers are asked to log the due dates of all long term assignments. It is critical that we allow the classroom educators the freedom to modify instruction on a day to day basis according to classroom progress and student achievement. To do so we must allow them the ability to assign basic homework and short term tasks as needed to evaluate student progress and work. Although ultimately all graded assignments will appear it is not required that the classroom teacher log due dates of short term or homework assignments.


What if I cannot sign in?


Due to the sensitive nature of your student's data we will be starting out our use of the parent portal with strict requirements for resetting passwords.


If you forget your password or sign in information you may have it reset by visiting your student's school during normal office hours and bringing a photo ID. The clerical staff in the building should be able to help you reset your password. This option will not be available until after September 26th, 2011.


If your account is locked out due to more than 5 failed log-on attempts in a row you may email the Technology Center using  Opens in a new browser tab Opens in a new browser tab Opens in a new browser tab Opens in a new browser tab Opens in a new browser tab Opens in a new browser tab Opens in a new browser tab Opens in a new browser tab Opens in a new browser tab Opens in a new browser tab Opens in a new browser tab Opens in a new browser tab Opens in a new browser tab Opens in a new browser tab Opens in a new browser tab . We will gladly unlock a locked account however we will not be able to provide you a username or password.


Can my account be shut-off?


As with all technology resources available to both you and your students the potential for abuse of the system is present. The Technology Center in collaboration with the building administrators has the option of revoking access to the portal for any reason. We take the security of your student's data very seriously and will act quickly to revoke access if we feel it is being abused.


Opens in a new browser tab Index of important files and forms for the parent portal


Board Electronic Information Resource Policy Opens in a new browser tab


Electronic Usage Agreement Opens in a new browser tab  


Portal Basics Cheat Sheet.